General Terms and Conditions
Return Policy:
The sale and your purchase and use of the products available on this website are subject to the terms and conditions of use and service.
The store may choose to accept, not accept or cancel your order in some cases, for example if the product you want to buy is not available or if the product is priced wrongly or if the order is found to be fraudulent, the site will return what you have paid for the orders Which has not been accepted or which is canceled.
All content on the site, including writings, designs, graphics, logos, icons, images, interfaces, icons, programs, and trademarks is an exclusive property owned by the store, and this property is subject to copyright protection.
When purchasing or sending e-mail, you agree to receive any emails or any notifications regarding the order.
The site reserves the right to make any amendments or changes to its site and to the policies and agreements associated with it, including the privacy policy, as well as the document for the terms and conditions of service and the conditions for replacement and return.
Policy of exchange and return of goods:
In the event that you are not satisfied with the product or defective products, you are entitled to exchange and return within 15 days from the date you receive your order.
You must contact us to request a refund for a product that you purchased from the site but it was not received on (+966564713222) to make sure that the goods have not been shipped yet.
If shipped, fees will apply.
In the event of return as a result of a defect or manufacturing defect in the product, or damage upon delivery or delivery of a wrong product, the customer will not have to pay the imposed fees or transport fees if he is inside Riyadh. Others (for example, the customer wants to change the product or changes his mind). The customer will have to pay the fees imposed and transportation fees.
The product must be in its original packaging with a complete set of accessories and a user guide, exchange or return is not accepted if the original packaging of the product is opened.
We do not accept the return of products that are scratched or damaged as a result of misuse or malfunction due to the wrong voltage connection. At our discretion, we may consider a returned product not to meet the above criteria.
A product will not be replaced with another product unless the original product is not in stock, and customer approval will be required before replacing the product
Fees imposed: It means the amount deducted from the value of the invoice in consideration of the fees for preparing, loading and transporting the goods. They are as follows: 50 riyals or 10% of the value of the invoice, whichever is more.
Delivery policy:
When delivery is made, you will be asked to electronically sign or sign on the invoice copy, and this signature is a confirmation that you have received the products in full as shown on the invoice.
If it is not present at the specified address, we will deliver the request to anyone present at this address and sign him on the invoice electronically or on the invoice copy, and when any person at the address signs the delivery request, it is considered that the customer has received the items in the invoice if the specified address has been reached by you and has not We can deliver the order. Please contact customer service to schedule another time to deliver the order. The company is not responsible for any order that was not delivered within 30 days from the date
of the order.
:Privacy policy
By accessing the Site, you agree to be bound by these Terms, all applicable laws and regulations, and acknowledge that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws.
IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ANY OF THESE TERMS, YOU MAY NOT USE OR ACCESS THIS SITE. All materials on this site are protected by applicable copyright and trademark protection law.
The method of returning the product:
The amount due to the customer shall be paid within a period of seven (7) days from the date we receive the product after inspecting it
In the event of payment by cash on delivery, bank transfer, SADAD system, or visa, the amount will be returned to the customer’s account by bank transfer
Cristalat will replace the product that has a manufacturing defect or is not wanted within three (3) working days according to the following conditions
The device should be free from scratches, misuse, or malfunction due to the wrong voltage connection
Bring the product in the original box with all accessories inside it
The customer must be a resident of Riyadh, either outside it, so coordination with the customer to retrieve or retrieve the products is done by calling (0138135550)
The original purchase invoice must be attached when you want to exchange or return. The invoice number should be visible on the shipping document, and in the absence of it, it can delay the process or slow down the response process.